Colon, Queretaro

Pinal del Zamorano

Pinal del Zamorano

Ascend to the highest point in all of Querétaro. A mountaineering route on the stratovolcano called Zamorano


The mountaineering route on the stratovolcano called Zamorano is currently not active and is located in the municipality of Colón, Querétaro. Its summit reaches an elevation of 3,340 meters above sea level and marks the boundary with the state of Guanajuato.

Due to its location and altitude, the mountain enjoys an ideal level of humidity for the existence of well-preserved woodland vegetation.

Zamorano is covered by gallery forest and oak forest. It is part of the natural area known as Pinal del Zamorano, which forms a volcanic complex.

The mountain is also covered by forests of piñon pine, oak-pine, and oyamel, as well as having the presence of thorny scrub, remnants of deciduous lowland jungle, with partial presence of mesquites, cedars, and more.

These conditions create a biodiverse and rich area in wildlife, housing various reptile species such as the coralillo arlequín snake, birds such as the chestnut-collared hawk, Mexican woodpecker, peregrine falcon, and owls, mammals like coyotes, opossums, skunks, badgers, American lynx, white-tailed deer, pumas, foxes, and bats.

This region offers a magnificent opportunity for mountaineers and nature enthusiasts to explore the natural beauty and diversity of the Zamorano stratovolcano while enjoying encounters with a wide range of wildlife species in their natural habitat.


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